Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baghdad Robert Gibbs

Hey, does Baghdad Robert Gibbs expect us to believe that he believes the unrest occuring across the country is "not indicative" of most town hall meetings? I don't watch network news broadcasts but my sources tell me that the nightly news and morning shows (whose reporters -13 to date-have joined Dear Leader's administration), have been showcasing these events and charactarizing their participants in all manner of hyperbolic disingenuous ways.

Maybe BRG should watch a little cable news. Chris Matthews, spitting all over himself and his ever-so-fair-and-balanced guests, never ceases to amaze with his calculated condescension of the "teabaggers." (Matthews has this creepy fill-in host, Lawrence O'Donnell, but at least he's not a slobberer or spitter. He's merely creepy in a don't-leave-the-neices-or-nephews-alone- with-him kind of way.)

Rachel Olbermann and Keith Maddow (I know, I know), are literally unwatchable. I used to flip over there for a good laugh but no mas. It just wasn't funny anymore. It became deeply troublesome. Many thanks, Keith!

Maybe Mr. Gibbs has taken one too many of Dr. Obama's poison pills and he's becoming delusional.

Something else I have noticed are the signs being displayed at these town halls. All of the Acorn and union folks who are being bussed in have fresh-from-the-professional-printer signs with canned messages on them (e.g. 'We want Government-paid-for abortions! When do we want them? N.O.W.!')

The "Like-HELL-government-is-gonna-take-over-MY-healthcare" crowd shows up with homemade signs on poster board with messages written on them with colorful Sharpies (e.g. 'Michelle Malkin is hot!')

What is clearly indicative of the Obama town hall meetings is that the questions are all planted. Not surprising because we know the Administration plants questions at Dear Leader's press conferences.

When 13 year old Julia Hall "innocently" asked Dr. Obama why there were so many mean signs outside the town hall meeting, it would have been a more honest answer had he replied, "Because those people aren't allowed in here, sweetie. That's why their signs are outside."


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