After all, "That One" gave himself a "Good, solid B+," when grilled by the ruthless, unrelenting Oprah.
During His watch, a Nigerian (am I allowed to say that?), jihadist tried to blow his meat and two sides off, potentially taking 289 innocents down with him in an engulfed American airliner. BiggO's lightning quick response was to slather on some more SPF 50 and grab a pitching wedge in Hawaii.
Still a B+?
(Sidebar: Who was dressing him over there at that shaved ice joint? That shirt he was wearing was WAAAAYYY too big for his boney frame. That was a blouse. I didn't see his britches but I assume he was wearing his Mom Jeans. Fashion Malfunction Mandatory Demerit).
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Oh! And the Obama White House's first State Dinner (held in a Bedouin tent in the back yard), was infiltrated by a couple (now three), professional attention-seeking crackpots from Fairfax County.
Still a B+?
An army of unaccountable czars, a thirst for fruitless mega-super-ultra spending, bellicose unapologetic FOX News-bashing, a racist supreme court judge appointment, record budget deficits, overseas abortion funding, stealthy tax hikes, Maddam Tuussaud's-looking democrat leaders and a continuing penchant for keying American ideals and traditions are beginning to wear on the American populace.
I contend that the grade America's detractors and - frankly - enemies, would give the Prof is a good, solid B+. The bomb plot failed; give them charred bodies and you tip over into an A-.
An approval rating hovering around 49% is a good, solid F where I grew up; No questions asked, you were shaking in your shoes till your father came home; "The system worked" at my house.
Enter the very ironically glib Robert Gibbs, sophist-extraordinaire. On second thought, get him out of here, he's creepy. (He'll be gone soon anyway. I heard a bloated Michael Anthony Hall is replacing him...see if anyone notices.)
Where are the 9/11 conspiracy theorists on the nearly-successful airline bomb job? To the extent that he blamed the B*sh administration for the entirety of 9/11, where is Michael Moore and his camera crews? Robbins and Sarandon are splitzky so they're probably in Cuba and Venezuela, respectively, and not actively agitating. Anyone hear from Sean Penn lately?
Where is Bill Moyers? Olber-pear-shaped-mann?
And what about that teenaged boy wearing the wife beater and Walter Cronkite glasses, Rachel Maddow?
Abdulmutallab, instead of being waterboarded and subjected to ear-splitting Adam Lambert music, was treated by our government to world-class health care (usually reserved for Congress), for his singed naughty bits (including pain killers), and a battery of lawyers to represent him in a criminal court!
Eric Holder's decision (and it was 100% his decision, with no influence from, really!), to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a New York City - you guessed it - criminal court, should only enrage the average U.S. citizen, not shock him.
Similarly, the Fort Hood shooter, with a blaring track record of empathizing with Islamic extremists, was given 5 star medical care and lawyers before the first of his 12 victims was laid to rest.
For his part, good, solid B+ student Obama confessed to an administration ridden with abject failure on matters of national security Thursday afternoon and we have to give him credit for that.Maybe they just acted stupidly. Or voted present. Whichever it is, it cannot be denied that on-the-job-training at the Presidential level is often accompanied by insidious, pervasive, colateral damage.